Friday, July 25, 2014

Vision's from Great Children's Stories

When you're walking around Cambridge and just outside of it you start to notice the details that have spawned so many of the wonderfully creative children's books that have come out of England. You see where Beatrice Potter found her animals that she placed in her beautiful gardens and fields.

Cambridge, England

Miss. Moppet

Peter Rabbit  and the Farmer

Cambridge, England

Huntingdon, England

Huntingdon, England

Cambridge, England

You also see how J.K. Rowling found her inspiration in the towns and possibly the colleges in England. Trinity’s dining hall looks a lot like Hogwarts dining hall. Portraits of all kinds of Head Masters and kings line the thick stone walls of each college. Large grand fields wrap themselves around Chapels that rise majestically out of the ground. Then there's the row houses on twisting narrow streets, old tutor buildings all making you feel like you're walking in one of JK Rowling books. There is so much to be inspired by. 

The Whopping Willow ?


Cambridge, England

 12 Grimmauld Place?

Cambridge, England


  1. SO enjoying your Cambridge photos and stories! LOVE, inspired!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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